1. Freeze meals ahead of time. Even if
you're home from the hospital the day you give birth (or had an easy
birth at home), you won't be up to cooking for at least a week. It
was nearly a month before I felt well enough to be on my feet the
amount of time it took to cook a meal, let alone clean up beforehand
and afterwards.
2. Have a lactation consultant on-call.
My baby was born hungry and nursed almost constantly until my milk
came in. When I say almost constantly, I am not being metaphorical or
exaggerating. There were fifteen minute breaks here and there, and I
didn't sleep for over 48 hours. It was miserable. I dealt with
thrush, as well, and my baby started biting my nipple – a result,
we later found, of a posterior tongue tie – at two weeks old. I
don't know how I would have coped if I hadn't been able to text my
lactation consultant at any time, day or night, and have my questions
answered. She was, quite literally, a Godsend, and it's worth every
penny to have someone there to help you find comfort and protect your
breasts and baby!
3. When my midwives were leaving after
the birth, one of them asked me if I would like some ice for... down
there. I said no thanks, because I didn't think that sounded at all
pleasant, and she said would would pour some tea on pads and freeze
them for me. I thought go ahead. I'm not putting ice anywhere
near... there. Several days
later, I gave in and decided to try one – I couldn't waste those
expensive pads. Oh, my goodness. It was heavenly. It seems crazy, but
try it. Pour tea or herbal water on those pads and freeze them. Your
swollen body will thank you. Trust me.
4. Another
common discomfort after birth is going to the bathroom, whether it be
urinating or a bowel movement. I had read somewhere that sitting in a
sitz bath, filled with warm water, while you did the deed made it
more comfortable. Boy, was that right. After trying to spray warm
water while I peed, to avoid the burn, and finding it was a lot more
complicated to cover all the area than it should be, I started
filling my sitz bath before every bathroom break (or asking my
husband to do it for me). I cleaned it out when I was done and
continued to do this for probably a week and a half after the birth.
5. Let your husband
– and/or someone else you trust (because your husband needs rest, too!) – take over for at least two weeks.
Spend that time healing and getting to know your baby. If you need
something, ask your helper, even if it's something silly like pulling
up your socks. During these two weeks, you can gradually start moving
around and getting your strength back, but don't push it; your body
has gone through a lot of work. Even a month after giving birth, I
went for a mile and a half walk – a pittance compared to what I
prefer - and started bleeding again. Don't push yourself if you
aren't ready. Three months will probably be the minimum you need
before you're completely back to normal.
6. When you feel
overwhelmed, let yourself cry. At one point, after a particularly
difficult night where my baby was refusing to nurse but screaming
because she was hungry, screaming until she was so exhausted she went
to sleep but woke up about an hour later to start the whole process
over again, I was not feeling particularly strong. I felt to blame
for her discomfort, because my milk letdown was too fast and strong
for her, so she was choking and wanting to bite, so I had to pull her
off whenever she did this; this was what resulted in her screaming
and refusing to nurse. I finally crawled into bed and curled into
my husband's chest, letting the tears flow. He held me until the baby was
awake and crying again, then took her and told me to sleep for
awhile. After an hour of sleep and getting the tears out, I felt much
better and more able to handle my baby.
7. Have a to do
list out where people can see when they come to visit, bring a meal,
or come with an offer to help. Write anything and everything that
needs to be done on it, from laundry to dishes to holding the baby
while you shower. If errands need to be run, pets or older children
need care, you're running out of ready-to-eat snacks, write it down.
This is helpful to you not only because you don't have to remember
all the information when people ask, it also relieves any
embarrassment you might feel at asking. They can see the list and you
don't have to say a word.
What are some of your own tips or things that helped you in those first few months after birth?